Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Knit the sky!

I think the concept of this scarf is truly beautiful. Everyday you look out of the window and knit a stripe that matches the colour of the sky. What a great idea to document all the sky's colourchanges in something that you can wear! The idea is from www.leafcutterdesigns.com where you can also buy a kit containing skeins of beautiful blues and greys. I would really like to do this as a gift for someone but I'm afraid that the scarf will turn out to be in only different shades of grey. Maybe with a thin blue section in the middle... Wouldn't that be depressing? And if you don't know about the concept behind the scarf it isn't much of an eye candy, is it? Maybe it would be nicer to knit in some kind of pattern instead of plain garter stitch.

And maybe it would be cool to transfer this "observe-and-knit" approach to other things as well, like knitting the colours of your garden for example, as a way to eternalize the four seasons. Anyhow, I really like the idea. If you have made a scarf like this, I would love to see it!

Sky scarf from www.leafcutterdesigns.com

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